


Solar Farm Company

   1. Residential  25% - 35% Tax Credit (2020)  Upgrade your home value

2. Commercial  25% - 35% Tax Credit (2020) 100% Bonus Depreciation  Loan Interest Expense

3. on-Profit Decrease the cost of operations for nonprofits. Leaving more funds to devote to their mission.

4. Optimal design and design installation.

5. We will install it safely after proceeding with various PERMITs.

6. It is comfortable to use for continuous monitoring and support.

7. Easy and Fast Solar Financing CASH, LOAN, PPA, LEASE

 Contact Costco, Home Depot or other solar construction companies 

first to get a quote and then contact our company.

North Califonia - TEXT ME NOW !  (559) 399-1521

South Califonia - TEXT ME NOW !  (213) 254-3469

ALL  USA - CALL ME NOW !  (657) 465-0863  ANDY